
We’ve Made HIPAA Compliance Easy

HIPAA protects patients and OfficeSafe™ protects you. You can now
experience a greater level of confidence about HIPAA compliance
and patient data protection.

With OfficeSafe™ you can easily
and affordably:

Powered by PCIHIPAA


After taking the free online HIPAA Risk Assessment offered by AAOMS, I realized our practice could use help with our information security needs. Our practice signed up with OfficeSafe by PCIHIPAA through AAOMS in August 2016. The staff is so helpful and friendly and I finally feel that our practice is on the right path toward being compliant. OfficeSafe has put together binders along with the online portal to help guide us to our way of compliance. All of the policies are prepared in addition to any forms we may need. Using the online videos for our employee meeting made the employees feel well informed. The stress of not having to worry if we are compliant is so worth it. I highly recommend the PCIHIPAA program to help with your office HIPAA and security obstacles.

Oral Surgery & Implant Specialists
Dakota Dunes, South Dakota